Shadow of the Mountain – Book Review


It’s been a really long time since I’ve read Christian fiction. Long time as in, I was about 12 the last time I read Christian Fiction. I read 2 kid’s Frank Peretti books and they scared me so much, I haven’t read Christian Fiction since then.

I’ve been wanting some new books to read and this review opportunity came up. From the description it looked like a book that I would like so I decided to give it a shot.

I’m so glad I did! I absolutely loved this book! Also, it says it’s the first in a series, so I’m looking forward to reading the others as they come out. I can’t wait to see who Cliff Graham is going to write about next.

Shadow of the Mountain is a Fictional backstory for Caleb in the Bible. Lots of excitement and adventure and a really great story about how he became who he was.

I can’t say a ton about the plot because I don’t want to give anything away. It’s easy to read, the story flows well, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don’t often stay up really late reading but I pulled a couple of late nights reading this book.

If you’re looking for something new to read, you should give this book a try! I’ll make it easy – You can go here to buy Shadow of the Mountain: Exodus on

I received this item free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.

Green Mountain Coffee

Thanks to Bzzagent for some free Green Mountain Coffee! First of all, I love the taste of Green Mountain Coffee. I discovered it last year and it’s currently my favorite coffee brand.

Not only is Green Mountain Coffee delicious, it’s also fair trade. You can find out more at their website.

Basically, with fair trade coffee, the company works directly with the farmers who produce the beans. They pay them a guaranteed minimum for their beans which enables the farmers to invest in their crops, producing good coffee crops. Also, the farmers are able to make money and then use their money to support their local community. What this means for me is that Green Mountain Coffee beans are purchased right where they are grown – this must be why the coffee tastes so good!

I love that fair trade allows farmers to earn their own living and empowers them to help their own communities!

So, while I’m enjoying my tasty coffee I can think of the farmers and their communities that I’m supporting!

Green Mountain Coffee

My latest bzz campaign was for Green Mountain Coffee. I love coffee and this was such a fun campaign for me!

They sent 4 different flavors to try, but Green Mountain Coffee has tons of different coffee flavors.

Green Mountain is a Fair Trade company so their coffee tends to be a bit more expensive than my usual folgers or maxwell house, however Green Mountain has more flavor to it. I honestly don’t buy products just because they’re Fair Trade but I have noticed that Fair Trade products tend to be a lot like organic products, they just taste better. And sometimes, the extra flavor is worth the higher price. The varieties are produced with care and it shows. Of all the 4 flavors I tried each of them was delicious!

Vermont Country Blend – This one is a blend of light and dark beans, not too strong, not too weak, perfect for any morning. I think it’s pretty much just a straight up regular coffee.

Columbian Fair Trade Select – This one was really good, nice and strong without being too strong. You know, how some strong coffees are kind of bitter, there was no bitter in this coffee. It was strong but still smooth. Good for a busy morning or a nice afternoon pick-me-up.

Wild Mountain Blueberry – This one smells so good when it’s brewing! It’s almost enough to wake me up without having to drink it…almost. It’s a nice medium/mild coffee with just a tad of blueberry flavor in it, just enough to taste but not enough to make me feel like I’m drinking blueberries instead of coffee. I honestly, will buy this one again just because I like the smell of it so well!

Sumatran Reserve – This one is my favorite of the four. A nice bold coffee, perfect for a morning when the kids get me up early. It’s nice and strong without being bitter, It’s now on my list of must have coffees.

And for more fun info on Green Mountain Fair Trade you can follow Grace Potter and Michael Franti’s Fair Trade source trips, and check out the live stream of their concerts via the Green Mountain Coffee®Facebook page!