OZ Naturals Ancient Orient Rice Enzyme Dermafoliant – Review

OZ Naturals Face Scrub Exfoliant has bamboo, green tea extract, Vitamin B-5, lactic acid, and alpha lipoic acid. It’s goal is to remove dead skin cells and reduce fine lines and wrinkles while leaving your face with a healthy glow.


This product is a rough powder, that you dump out into your hand, mix with a little water, and then scrub your face with.

I found it rather interesting to use, I put some in my palm, mixed in a little water, and started scrubbing my face. I had to add water a couple of times since it dried pretty fast.

The Face Scrub Exfoliant scrubs really well – I was worried when I was scrubbing that it was too rough, but it did what it’s supposed to do so I think it was just fine. The directions say to let it sit for 5 minutes, but I’m impatient so I let mine site for about 3 minutes before rinsing it off.

When I rinsed the Face Scrub Exfoliant off my skin was soft and smooth. And it stayed soft throughout the next day. Using this every-other to every-third day would work great for me.

It has no smell, which I love. I’m not fond of using facial products that are very aromatic, so I was pleased to be using something that doesn’t have any added scents or dyes.


I enjoyed using this product and I love the soft and clear skin I got as a result of using this Exfoliant.

You can purchase it online at Amazon.

I received this product free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.