Valentine Hearts

IMG_20150302_142241017Valentine crafting with kids is always fun. For this project, I decided to keep it simple. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some felt hearts and some felt heart stickers and the girls made their own valentine creations.

I just dumped all the stickers out on the table and let the girls create whatever they wanted. They got pretty creative, even making a smiley face heart!

These are such cute little hearts, perfect for including in teachers valentine gifts or giving to friends instead of paper valentine cards!

A tad more expensive than paper valentine cards but by the time you buy candy to go with the cards, these end up costing about the same.

I will admit though, we did still end up giving paper cards and candy to friends – because the girls just had to give candy – and special friends and teachers were given the felt hearts.

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D is for Different

Recently, on a homeschool group I’m in, a Mom considering homeschooling asked a question that generated a lot of discussion.

“What’s a typical homeschool day look like?”

The responses all varied, but every experienced homeschool mom agreed that there’s truly no “typical” day.

You may homeschool with a strict schedule or you maybe be super flexible. It’s all about how your kids learn best and what works best for your family.

So, it made me ponder how homeschooling is different. Every day is different. Every child is different. And how you as the parent teach is different. One key part of successfully homeschooling is embracing the “different” and helping each child truly succeed.

For example. Here’s my schedule last week.

Monday: Homeschool co-op – leave house at 8. After co-op meet a potential renter over at our rental property. Home around 5:30.

Tuesday: Show house at 10. Run errands. Home at noon. Eat lunch. Do school.

Wednesday: Start school. Offer 2nd grader choice of staying home with Dad and doing her school or bringing it in the car. She opts for the car. Show house at 11. Run errands. Eat lunch out. Show house again at 1. Home around 2. Back out for piano lessons at 3. Finish school around 5.

Thursday: Morning meeting at 9. Home and start school at 11. Husband is hungry. Eat lunch, paint airplanes, take baths (to wash off paint). Finish school. Leave at 3 for ballet lessons.

Friday: Home all day, school done by noon.

Is my child learning? Yes! In fact, she learns more with all these interruptions. Sitting her down for 2 hrs straight and doing bookwork is tiring. But you do it in 30 minute sprints and she does better work and remembers more of what she’s learning.

Is any day typical? No, not really. But, that’s life. If she learned better by sitting down and doing it all at once, I would make more of an effort to do that. But since long sessions seems frustrating, I take the opportunities to break it up and keep her interested.

And I take advantage of something unique that homeschooling offers to my family. It lets my children live life with me. I’ve explained the concept of a rental property so many times this past few weeks – we have a rental that I’m finding new tenants for – and answered questions like, why would we let someone live in our house? If we own the house why don’t we live there? How do we own a house that we don’t live in? People pay us money to live in our house? I could just tell them about the concept of renting, but to see it in action, it’s more real to them.

So, if your homeschooling, embrace the different. Because every family is different. Every parent is different. Every child is different. And homeschooling lets you enjoy those differences.

Special Valentine DIY Charms from Glamulet

Design and share your own unique Glamulet Valentine charm for a chance to win that charm for free! Check out these cute designs! The more sharing you do, and the more votes you get, the more likely you are to win. So, get your charm designed today so you have plenty of time to share!

Speaking of voting, here’s my design. And I would love some more votes!

It’s super easy to create your own. The hard part is deciding what picture you want to use! In 3 easy steps:

1) Register
2) Click and design your own charm
3) Promote your own design through your Facebook page and other social media

And as a special blog promotion, Glamulet has a discount code for my readers. Want to design something and give it to your special someone for Valentines Day or just order something special for yourself? Use this 15% discount code. Code: BB-VD15

The code expires February 14, 2016.

I just love Glamulet charms!  They’re so bright and sparkly!

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In fact, I really love these design your own Valentine charms and not just for Valentine’s Day! My sister’s getting married in a few months and these would make great gifts for the bridesmaids. Either a photo of her and each bridesmaid or a photo of one of her engagement photos. It would be a great wedding memento!

There’s so many special ways to gift these Valentine Charms!

This is a Sponsored Post.


Sodexo Quality of Life – Recognition

Recognition can be a powerful source of motivation in the workplace, encompassing a number of factors that allow an individual to feel truly valued. That person is likely to achieve better as well, as studies show that when employees are rewarded for a job well done, performance levels skyrocket. In fact, 81 percent of employees say they work harder when their boss shows appreciation for their work. Seventy-five percent of CEOs at small businesses concur, believing recognition increases productivity.

Recognition is also considered the best lever to improve quality of life at work for a great majority of employees. But what’s the best way to spotlight the hard work of others? In the small-business world, how do we as small-business owners recognize and support our employees? How can we help our employees feel valued at work and carry over that value into their work quality?

While my husband and I have had a small business for the past 10 years, it’s just this past year that we’ve gone at it full time and started hiring employees. This has been one of our big questions. How do we recognize our employees hard work in our unique work environment?

main-logo ResultStack is a modern technology company. We offer many technology services like web development, mobile app development, and content management services. – sorry, shameless plug for our small-business. You should check it out, because we’re truly awesome at what we do!

A trend in technology companies is to work remotely and since this is a small-business less overhead works great for us. Meaning, all our employees work from home.

This creates a unique set of issues for us when it comes to employee recognition. We have occasional in-person meetings for project starts, mid-project reviews, and any other time we need everyone on the project in the same room. But, in a remote work environment, how do you recognize your employees in a meaningful way?

1. Communicate – If we’re not communicating with our employees, nothing is going to work. It’s important though to not only communicate when they need to fix something but to also communicate to them when they’re doing a great job. Tell them how they’re doing and recognize them for good work.

2. Tell Others – I’ve never seen a group of programmers look over each other’s code and tell them how awesome it is. There’s no way in a group setting you’re reviewing code and oohing and aahing over a good job. That’s just weird. But, it is appropriate in a group setting to mention that X person got X job or X function done. Give them recognition for what they’ve accomplished.

3. Include them as part of the team – When you work remotely, it’s easy to feel isolated and not part of a team. To build team spirit. And what good does it do to recognize someone if no one else knows them?

a) Give everyone something with the company logo, shirts, hats, pens, business cards, etc. Whatever makes sense for your company. Employees love free company swag. It’s like an extra special perk for working for a company. And not only are you, the company, recognizing them as a valued member, they’re also promoting the company when they use their swag.

b) Get everyone together. We like to do a big lunch meeting, recognition dinner, or we’re even inviting everyone to our Superbowl party. With all remote workers it’s important that they get a chance to get together, see each other, and have fun.

4. Have fun together. One of my husband’s favorite companies was a company he worked for that had a game room. They had an Xbox360, a foosball table, and a couple other things. A couple times a day the employees would round up a quick foosball competition and take a little break. A break does great things for employee productivity and it also helps employees build camaraderie with each other.

We don’t have a physical office for our employees yet but we’re definitely planning a rec room when we do! For now, we do things like Superbowl parties. Recognize your employees hard work with some well-deserved down time.

This is a sponsored post. sponsored by Sodexo.

C is for Creativity

One thing I just love about Homeschooling is the freedom to be creative. And by creative, I don’t specifically mean art supplies.

Though, we do love art at my house. Paint, markers, glitter, scissors, paper, boxes, clay, etc. We have so many art supplies! And we go through them so quickly. I’m always requesting art supplies as birthday and holiday gifts because it’s impossible to keep up otherwise. Right now, I have poster paint and plaster of paris on my shopping list. Of course, I need thread for a sewing project so I’ll be going to the hobby store sometime this next week and the’ll get their paint and plaster of paris while I’m there.

BTW, plaster of paris is worse than glitter. The dust gets everywhere! And because it heats up right after mixing it, it’s always a project that I have to be heavily involved in. We have these princess doll molds for plaster of paris and they’ve sadly broken most of them. So sometime while they’re sleeping, I need to make some new ones and then they’ll spend the next week painting and decorating them.

Back to creativity in homeschooling… For example, history doesn’t just have to be from a book. You can go to a museum, watch a movie, or read a fun biography. We’ve even done a themed meal or other project to help the kids learn about the historical period we’re currently discussing. History is so much fun!

Science, trip to the zoo, growing your own garden (my 7yr old has be begging for years to have her own garden, this spring I’m going to let her have her own), experiments, museums, and anything fun that helps kids learn about the world around them.

Reading, I strongly believe in finding things for kids to read that they want to read. I have grade level readers, but I always have those a backups for if we don’t have anything else to read. Right now, my 2nd grader wants to read Childhood of Famous Americans: Andrew Jackson. It’s a bit above a 2nd grade reading level and she’s all into it. I’m getting reading AND history in one easy swoop! She’d rather read this than her grade level reader, so that’s what we read. It’s all about getting them reading.

English, or Language & Grammar, whichever you prefer to call it. Now that we’re to 2nd grade I combine this a lot with handwriting since it’s pretty difficult to accomplish one subject without the other. I do have a curriculum for this but I’ll take breaks for fun projects like writing thank you notes, addressing Christmas cards, writing a story, etc. It’s important to learn the rules, but you also want there to be room for some fun.

Math, no surprises here, with a girl, math is our toughest subject. Here’s the interesting part, physical math skills like telling time, measurements, temperatures, etc. are not a problem. It’s the more abstract skills like addition and subtraction problems, counting sequences, and I’m not sure how she’ll do with multiplication in a month. I encourage her to use her math through the day on things like cooking (since she loves to cook and you can’t cook without basic math), art (think of all those shapes you can measure and create),  daily calendar, etc. Maybe this is why her physical math is easy? And think of all the fun math we’ll use this spring when we plant her garden!

What are some fun things you do with your kids to help them learn?



B is for Books

If you’re looking for curriculum advice, check out my 4 favorite curriculums. Here, I’m going to share some of my favorite kids books.

I love books. I love a good fiction. Right now I’m working on The Water Witch by James Fenmore Cooper. (which is free on Kindle right now). I don’t have a ton of time for reading these days, but I still manage to read a fun book now and then. It’s a great way for me to escape, relax, and grab a few minutes of “me time”.

Reading is something I want my children to enjoy as well so I try to collect my favorite childhood books and find some new ones for them as well.

51cWgYwwKNL._SX396_BO1,204,203,200_Little House on the Prairie

This is a classic. I read and re-read this entire set many many times as a child. This is next on my list of books to buy my 2nd grader. I can’t wait to see what she thinks of them!

I never can decide if Little House in the Big Woods or Farmer Boy is my favorite. Maybe I’ll have to read them again!


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I just discovered this set. There’s four books in this series and a craft book. They’re super cute and all about a little girl who loves to bake. My 2nd grader loves these – they’re a 3rd to 5th grade reading level so right at the upper edge of her reading ability. Perfect for her to enjoy while learning some new words!


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There’s 13 books in this series. The author truly thought of everything! I love this series. It’s fun to read because it’s just funny. There’s no way 3 kids end up in all of these situations. And the author loves to use and define rarely used words like Ersatz in Ersatz Elevator.  These books are fun to read and great for improving vocabulary.


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This is a book of short stories. Perfect for a bedtime stories. These stores are fun, funny, and have a good morale at the end. Themes like “Pride comes before a fall”, and “beauty is as beauty does”. These stories are fun to read as a family and after you’ve read all these in this book. There’s a whole bunch of other Grandma’s Attic books available.


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It all started with Llama Llama Red Pajama. After we read this one, we were hooked! This is a favorite with my 2yr old and since the older kids still love it he gets it read to him as often as he wants. There’s a whole set of Llama Llama books and we love every one of them.

Tell me in the comments, what’s your favorite children’s book?

This post does contain affiliate links.

Ham and Cheese Ore-Ida Totchos

Totchos My husband went out to dinner the other night with some co-workers so I thought it would be a good night to try out a newOre-Ida Totchos recipe with my Ore-Ida Tater Tots. The kids were skeptical at first but once they started eating, they all told me how much they loved it!

When my husband got home and saw the leftovers on the counter he asked when I was going to make it again because he wants to try it too. He thought it looked delicious!

These are super easy to make, and they make a great quick meal for the family.

Ham & Cheese Ore-Ida Totchos

1/2 bag Ore-Ida Tater Tots
1/2 lb chopped ham
1 cup grated chese
sour cream
handfull of bacon bits

1. Cook tater tots per package directions.

2. While tater tots are cooking cook/warm ham in a skillet on the stove. Add a little water to the pan if needed to keep the ham from sticking.

IMG_20160115_1802265843. Place cooked tater tots and ham in individual bowls (I like to make things per person because with little kids this is just easier)

4. Top with grated cheese, sour cream, and then bacon bits.

5. Enjoy!

It’s just like a ham and cheese loaded baked potato, just without the peel, so my kids will eat it all!

Want more Totchos recipes? Check out Ore-Ida’s website.

I received this product free from @Influenster for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own. #OreidaTotchos #contest

Pandle review and giveaway

Founded in February 2015 by Brooklyn native, Jason Yakubovich, the New York City based startup Pandle Inc. provides the world with a germ- and worry-free experience in public spaces. From public transportation, to fitness centers, to hospitals, the company’s innovative product is the simple solution to fighting off germs and avoiding sickness transmitted through contaminated surfaces.

Pandle is a wearable, reusable silicone handle with an integrated nanosilver solution that prevents the growth of germs on the device. By inserting the hand into the device before touching public surfaces, the user avoids coming in contact with germs while also improving grip through the unique rubber blend of the product.

Pandle was originally created for public transportation and is therefore exactly sized to cover standard subway poles. However, it can be used for any surface that may be tainted with germs. With its ultra-light and foldable design Pandle easily fits into every pocket and is ready to use in just a second.

IMG_20160109_223421853The only public transportation near me is the city bus so I obviously don’t use this for public transportation, however, it is pretty handy for when I’m out and about with the kids. Things like opening bathroom doors (my kids LOVE public restrooms) or gripping other surfaces like stair handrails that have had many many people touching them. These are sized for a subway pole so they’re the perfect size for gripping things that you encounter on the go. And my kids think they’re awesome!

I love the bright colors and they fold up so tiny – I actually “lost” mine in my purse the first time I dropped in in there. Whoops!

Pandle is currently available for $6.99 on the company’s website  and at selected shops throughout New York City. It comes in two different sizes and five different colors (black, green, blue, red, purple). For more information please visit their website at You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. Or to see the Pandle in action check out their YouTube videos.


Pandle sent me one of every color of Pandle which is pretty awesome! This giveaway is for one Pandle. Winner chooses the color. I received this product free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.


A is for Available

I had big plans last year to write about my homeschool journey. Those plans were derailed by job changes, busy school schedules, and just life in general. Transitioning to my husband working from home – which started in my schoolroom until we turned half the garage into his own office – was quite the transition. For everyone.

But, January is the month for new beginnings. So I’m starting again. I’m starting with the letter “A”. “A” is for “Available”.

One things I really love about homeschooling is how “Available” I am to my kids and my kids are to me.

1. Available to experience their first reading success – it’s just as good as their first steps when they were toddlers.

2. Available to talk about what they think of history – you’d be surprised with what my 7yr old can come up with

3. Available to watch as they discover something fascinating in science – and often make a mess in the process

4. Unfortunately, I’m also available to clean up the mess from science

5. Available to see them create their own art – the creation process is way more interesting to me than the final product at their age

6. Available to just sit down and talk, or let them play for a few minutes break if we’re having a bad day

7. Available to see them use the math they’ve been learning – it all started with counting out eggs from the fridge drawer

8. Available to teach them fun things like cooking – and why we do not set raw eggs on the edge of the counter so they can roll off and splat on the floor

9. Available to take them to a museum for a hands-on learning day

10. Available to watch an older child teach a younger child – there are so many things (like counting by 2’s) that I’m not going to have to teach my 2nd born because the first child taught her for me

If you homeschool. What’s something you love about teaching your kids?





#NOTICETHELOTUS at Target in 2016… derma e has arrived!

For starters, I just love Target. They have a great variety of quality options in pretty much every category that I need. I did lots of shopping this past holiday season at Target, I found gifts for the kids, snacks for my husband, and even picked up a few things for myself.

I’ve recently discovered that they have a great variety of beauty products at great prices. And since I’m already at Target for things like Birthday presents for my kids, or laundry detergent that I ran out of yesterday (whoops!), I can just get everything I need in one trip. Which reminds me, hubby is out of deodorant, I need to make a trip to Target ASAP.

I was super excited to try out the new Firming DMAE Eye Lift from Target. As an added bonus, I also received Hydrating Night Creme, Hydrating Day Creme, and Firming DMAE Moisturizer so I could experience all the new derma e products at once.

Firming DMAE Eye Lift is designed to visibly lift, firm and tighten the delicate eye area while smoothing crow’s feet with this doctor-developed, multi-action eye treatment crème that contains advanced, clinically proven natural ingredients. DMAE, a widely-acclaimed skin-firming nutrient, is clinically proven to boost collagen for firmer, more resilient skin. InstaLift® Goji Berry glycopeptides add further firming, lifting and tightening antioxidant power. Advanced peptides Argireline® and Matrixyl® synthe’6® work together to soften facial muscles and synthesize new key components such as collagen, helping smooth wrinkles and discourage new lines from forming. Hyaluronic Acid, also known as nature’s moisture magnet, infuses a surge of cooling eye moisture helping leave skin soft, smooth, tone and rehydrated. With continued use, this pro-collagen and pro-elastin blend leaves the delicate eye area firmer, smoother and younger-looking. 100% vegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, mineral oil-free, lanolin-free, gluten-free, GMO-free.

With 3 kids my biggest beauty problem is dark circles under my eyes, so I was excited to try out the DMAE Eye Lift. I was using it over the holidays and with travel and keeping up with the kids everyone still told me that I look great. Maybe it was my facial routine or maybe everyone else was just as tired as me!

Either way, I think my under eye looks lighter and more clear after using the DMAE Eye Lift for a little over a week. I’m quite happy with the results! This product did not irritate my eyes at all, it feels gentle, and natural.

I can see why derma e® has built a passionate following in the natural products industry and beyond, because they’re always aspiring to make highly effective, premium skincare formulas with cruelty-free green chemistry.

Youngblood Beauty

I apply a teeny tiny bit every morning under and around my eye so at $24.95 for this product, which will probably last at least 3 months, I’d say this is a pretty good deal. It’s also currently discounted to $20 on the derma e website. If you’re thinking about getting some for yourself, this is a great time to try it out!

I’ve been using it with their other derma e products, and I just love the results. The products are non-greasy, gentle on my skin, and all do a great job of helping me maintain healthy, vibrant skin with all natural products.

For more info on derma e products, check out their Youtube Chanel.

I received these products free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.