L’Oréal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil

Thanks to Influenster and L’Oreal for the L’Oréal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil set. I received their new shampoo, conditioner, and hair oil.

This stuff is amazing!

First of all, it smells so good! It has a rich scent that isn’t fruity or sweet. This is the perfect haircare scent for me. It smells great while I’m taking my shower and doesn’t last past that. Scent is quite important to me in a hair product. A great scent is just more relaxing and makes me feel like I’ve done a better job of caring for my hair.

The L’Oréal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil products have done a great job of cleaning, conditioning, and adding shine to my hair without weighing it down.

My only complaint with this product is that the shampoo does not lather as well as I would like. It takes a lot of scrubbing to get a good lather, so I end up having to shampoo twice just to feel like I got it all.

The shampoo and conditioner both rinse out well. I haven’t noticed any residue from either of these.

IMG_20160329_102109871I apply the oil on my damp hair after towel drying it. It makes my hair so soft and shiny and does not make my hair greasy or weighed down.

The oil is also awesome for my kid’s hair. One day my 7yr old accidentally used body wash instead of shampoo in the shower. She has really long hair and it was impossible to brush out. So, before I sent her back to the shower to re-shampoo and use LOTS of conditioner, I tried out the L’Oréal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil. And it was awesome! It added enough moisture and softening that her hair brushed right out, and stayed soft until her next shower.

L’Oreal has made a great hair product line and it’s working great with my hair! Thanks to L’Oreal I truly have more #ExtraordinaryHair days!

I received this product for free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.

Under the Sea – Review


The Under the Sea Holy Bible, NIrV is a perfect gift for children ages 6 to 10. Themes of underwater fun and sparkling fish grace the interior of this wonderful children’s Bible. The outside is covered in foil and sparkle. The interior has color inserts featuring whimsical underwater scenes with themes of God’s care and love for each of us and all of creation. You can learn more at Zondervan’s website.

My 7yr old daughter loves this Bible! The NIrV (New International Readers Version) is just the right reading level for her to read. This Bible has easy to find chapters, clear headings throughout the chapters, and makes reading fun. Ever since we got the Bible she’s been reading devotions to us in the evenings. Pretty awesome!

There are some super cute pictures on the inside, and she loves how sparkly and fun the cover is. Plus this reading level is just right for her. (she’s in 2nd grade) And the layout makes it easy for her to find books, chapters, and verses.

As an added bonus. I get to give away a copy of this Bible! So, enter below and tell me in the comments who you want to win this Under the Sea Holy Bible for.

Buy Now at these major retailers: Barnes & Noble and Family Christian Stores

Follow Zondervan on Facebook and Twitter

I received this book free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.

L is for Learning

There are 3 categories of learning. And while each of my children has a preferred learning style. There is variation by subject. Still, it’s always interesting to me to consider these 3 different learning styles.

Often, when I’m teaching something and it’s just not working, if I step back and try a different style, I suddenly start seeing results. Whether it’s just that I switched up what I was doing so my child was no longer bored, or that I switched to a style that was a much easier way for her to learn this particular concept.

Though, after identifying a preferred style, I tend to try that one first because it’s the style that is most often met with success.

Auditory Learners
It’s what you think. They need to hear things. They do well in lectures, and other verbal forms of teaching. In the early grades, they learn very easily through song or rhyme. If they need to read something, an auditory learner wants to read it out loud because she wants to hear it.

Visual Learners
A visual learner wants to see things. Charts, diagrams, to-do lists, anything they can see. Often, they would rather read a book or instructions in their head instead of reading it out loud. They can be quiet in class because they don’t feel the need to verbally express what they know, but they’re always excited when there’s a list or chart involved.

Kinesthetic Learners
These people want to touch, feel, and experience. Think hands on. Manipulatives and props are especially helpful at the elementary age and they learn best in settings like drama, field trips, and science lab.

How does this help me while teaching? Well, if my child just isn’t getting something, I start by switching learning styles. For example. While teaching my oldest to add. We pulled out the manipulatives. The linking blocks. We’re adding to 5. In the first stack I have 5 pink, the second stack has 1 green and 4 pink, the third stack has 2 green and 3 pink, and so on until the last stack has 5 green. So I explain how adding the 1 green to the 4 pink gives us the same amount of items as the 5 pink. She was so upset that every single block in my towers was not pink. And she started undoing my stacks and replacing all the greens with pink.

Addition fail, color identification success.

Obviously, the Kinesthetic method was not working well. So we went to pen and paper. I would write the equation and draw pictures next to it. So, 1 star plus 4 stars equals 5 stars. Pretty sure I showed her this twice and she could add anything I handed her (kindergarten level, of course). She would even take the time to draw pictures next to the equations if they didn’t have them. A Visual technique was the best method for this concept. It also worked well for subtraction – and we’re now in 2nd grade and have yet to get those linking blocks out again.

Once she got the concept we would do math with things like smarties, skittles, and other little candies. So I was gradually able to reintroduce some kinesthetic learning. Because you do have to be able to count, add, subtract, etc. items in everyday life. Btw, the 2nd grade version of this is helping in the kitchen. We’re currently working on a better understanding of measurements like cup, pint, gallon, and 1/2, 1/4, and 1/3. She thinks it’s super cool when she gets to use all this math that she already knows.

What I’ve learned about my daughter is that she’s primarily a visual learner. But it’s also important to strengthen the other areas of learning. Like reciting math facts, saying our spelling word out loud, and other vocal learning to help her better learn by auditory means. The same with Kinesthetic, science is way more fun when it’s hands on, so we do lots of hands on for science and I slip hands on math in there when I can.

The point is, if you know how your child learns best, you can capitalize on that and then use what they’ve learned to help them see the same concept different ways. There’s no need to keep pounding away on a method that just isn’t working.

Live Free – Coloring Book Review


Live Free, An Adult Coloring Book by Margaret Feinberg.

This is such an awesome coloring book! On the left of each page is a spot for journaling or creating your own thoughts, and on the right is a fun picture with a verse to color.

I love all the intricacies of these pictures and it’s so relaxing to just sit for a few minutes (with 3 kids, that’s a max of 5 minutes at a time) and do something creative that doesn’t have a deadline and that doesn’t have to be done “right”.

I’ve been just leaving this out on my living room table, grabbing the nearest marker, and coloring away when I get a chance. Luckily, the pages are heavy enough none of the marker is bleeding through.

In 2 weeks this is all I’ve gotten done, but I think it’s turning out great, and I’m having so much fun picking which random colors go where.


As I work on my picture I find myself pondering what it is to be a “living stone”. Someone who brings life to my family and those around me. At the same time as I’m “bringing life” to my picture. Margaret Feinberg did a terrific job of matching this picture to this verse.

And my 7yr old picked out a page as well. This kept her busy for quite a while.


This book is full of beautiful pictures and inspiring scriptures. It’s going to take me forever to color all of these pages, and I’m loving every minute of it!

I received this book free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own. This post does contain affiliate links.

My Disney Kids Preschool Playdate

Thanks to Walt Disney World Resort and MomSelect for this awesome Disney Kids Preschool Playdate party box!

We had friends over and we moms hung out and talked while the kids played in the yard and enjoyed snacks and all the awesome party box contents! The weather was beautiful and the kids had tons of fun while we moms got to relax.

IMG_20160317_223821991IMG_20160317_223750468Everyone loved these Disney Junior drawstring bags. They were perfect for taking home all their “loot”.

Plus, my preschoolers love Disney Junior!

There were some pretty awesome sponsors this year. Like these sample packs of All Laundry Detergent. With 3 kids I ALLways need more laundry detergent. And since I also have a child who’s sensitive to dyes and scents, free & clear detergent is a must.

Best of all. The hostess gift this year was just awesome! It’s something we’ll get lots of use out of and it made my daughter so happy!


Of course, the favorite item in the box was this adorable Princess Sofia suitcase. My 5yr old daughter claimed it the second it came out of the box. She pulled it around for days and even had it packed for a trip to Grandma’s house (that she was planning all by herself). She’ll definitely get lots of use out of this.


The Lion Guard is Disney Junior’s newest show and all the kids were delighted with the animals, tattoos, and posters to take home. This is where those Disney Jr. bags came in really handy!


Next up, my 2yr old son claimed this adorable book sponsored by Banfield Pet Hospital. It’s such a cute story and my little guy loves dogs. And those Cars sandwich bags. I had to hide them from him so he wouldn’t “drive” them all over the house before the party. I put four chocolate cookies in each bag for “tires” for the kid’s snacks.

And Nesquik is our very favorite chocolate milk powder. We go through that stuff so fast! It’s delicious and ensures that my kids drink lots of milk.


Did you notice the Mickey? Actually, we have a Mickey or a Minnie depending on which side of the hat you show. Each of the kids got one of these hats to take home as well. Jake on one side and Sofia on the other. And since we had a mixed group of kids, this made everyone happy.

Last but not least, these super sparkly glitter puff glues from I Love to Create. There were also white paper bags and some templates for making puppets. The kids had so much fun designing their own characters with the glue, though, they did take quite a while to dry!

We had a blast at our party, and I’m so grateful to Walt Disney World Resort, MomSelect, and all the awesome sponsors for such a great box for our #DisneyKids party!

I received free products in order to host the Disney Kids Preschool Playdate. The opinions expressed here are my own.

K is for Kinder

Did you know that our word Kindergarten is from German? Literally translated it means Children Garden. The original Kindergartens were designed as a place for pre-school children to play and grow. The word itself pictures the natural growth of childhood in a nurturing environment.

I remember my year in Kindergarten as being so much fun. I did learn to read, and I’m pretty sure I learned to count, and I definitely remember all the cool toys we got to play with, the playground, and the fun performance we got to put on for our parents at the end. Oh, and I loved my teacher, she was so sweet, and learning was so much fun.

And that’s what I think of Kindergarten and all the pre-school years. They should be years of fun, wonder, and nuture. Years where my children grow without the pressures of growing up. Like little flowers in a garden. To be carefully tended, loved, taught, and encouraged to bloom. You can’t make a flower bloom any faster by opening it up yourself, you have to wait. And just like flowers, each child will bloom when they’re ready. And not all will bloom at the same time.

I’m reminded of this line from Mulan – My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one’s late! I bet when it blooms, it will be most beautiful of all” by Fa Zhou – I provide all the nuture, care, attention, training, teaching, etc. and my children will bloom when they’re ready.

So, let your children be children. Let them enjoy being children. Because childhood is so magical, and so short.


Cheesy Bacon Potatoes


I love potatoes, bacon, and cheese! Side dishes just don’t get much better than this.

Cheesy Bacon Potatoes

6 medium potatoes
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
4 pieces fresh cooked bacon broken into pieces, or 1/4 cup bacon bits
2 cloves garlic crushed
salt & pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease bottom and sides of a 9X9 casserole pan.
  2. Peel and slice potatoes into thin slices. Mix potatoes with heavy cream, 1/2 cup cheese, garlic, and salt & pepper.
  3. Spread evenly in prepared pan. Top with 1/2 cup cheese and bacon bits.
  4. Bake for 1 hour or until potatoes are tender


Dressed For Death – Book Review


Dressed for Death, by Julianna Deering. This book is 307 pages long and it’s the 4th in the Drew Farthering Mystery series.

I have not read the previous 3 but I had no trouble picking this one up and understanding who the characters are. In fact, after reading this one, I liked it so much, I put the other three Drew Farthering Mystery books on my reading list.

There were a lot of Jane Austin book references at the beginning of this book, and while I had to read Jane Austin in High School, I’m not a fan. So I was pretty worried that I wasn’t going to like this book. Luckily, this book is nothing like a Jane Austin, so I was just fine.

After the first couple of chapters, and the characters and setting were all introduced, and the book got very interesting. It took me a day to read the first 3 or 4 chapters, and then a day to read the rest of the book.

Once I got going, I couldn’t put it down. This was an entertaining mystery book, sometimes predictable and sometimes not. Which in my opinion, is how all good mystery books should be.

Julianan Deering is a Christian author and she did a great job of discussing the character’s faith in a realistic way. It wasn’t preachy, but very down to earth and real. And it went well with the rest of the story.

I really enjoyed this book. And I also love that I discovered a new author that I like!

I received this book free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own. This post does contain affiliate links.

J is for June

I like June. It’s a good month. It’s one of those nice summer months where it’s warm enough to go swimming, but not sweltering hot like August. Where you eat ice cream outside for lunch, because you can. And your favorite pair of flip-flips is the only pair of shoes you need.

This time of year with warm weather one day and freezing cold the next, I start dreaming of June and all the fun things we will do when it’s warm. Swimming, hanging out at the park, meeting friends at the park for lunch, really, just being outside all the time.

I’m not the only one in my family who likes summer. My kids have this thing against shoes, coats, and cold weather. Snow days are so boring around here. “It’s cold outside” they protest after 5 minutes in the snow. And we spend the next 2 hours recovering with hot chocolate and blankets and refusals to ever go out again.

In contrast, on hot summer days, they stop in for a popsicle, some more water, or requests for large amounts of food for their lunch that must be eaten outside, then return to the yard until it’s dark or they’re just too tired to play anymore. I think my kids live on fresh fruit and popsicles all summer long.

photo_35251_20141229My daughters have been begging to wear flip-flops and sandals for weeks now. We’re getting ready to go out the door, it’s 35 degrees out. They have their coats, leggings, hats, etc. on and would like to know if they can please wear their flip-flops today. It’s not raining or snowing so it must be ok.

My 7yr old wants to know when she can plant her garden. Just as soon as it stops getting down to freezing at night, I tell her. Plant too early and that very last frost will kill everything and you’ll have to start over. She would still like to plant something.

Oh, and don’t forget ice cream. The kids have been begging for an ice cream party. I’ve already started planning it and Easter hasn’t even arrived yet!

I’m beginning to thing that right about now we need a vacation to southern Florida. A week of warm weather, flip-flops, and swimming.

Of course, spring is right around the corner, and summer is so soon. And summer is my favorite time of year. And I’m so hoping it’s a good one.

What do you love about summer?

Favorite Flavors of Ireland – Recipe & Review


I was so excited to try out this new cookbook in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day. I love cooking, but haven’t tried out a lot of Irish recipes.

I was actually surprised at how simple the food is. There’s a lot of bread, meat, potatoes, cabbage, and carrots in this cookbook. I found so many recipes that I like that it was hard to pick one to share. I’m all about the basics and ingredients that I know how to use. This cookbook is awesome and has so many different and delicious ways to make all of your classic Irish foods.

IMG_20160222_180908463I tried out Soda Bread (which is not only tasty but super easy!), Champ Potatoes (basically mashed potato deliciousness), Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing (DELICIOUS!, luckily, I’m the only one in my family who likes carrot cake, so I got to eat it all), and Carrot Soup. Next on the list to try is Cheese Potatoes, Blueberry Muffins, and Rib eye.

I finally decided to share the carrot soup recipe because this is my kid’s favorite – I think it’s delicious as well. For some reason my 5yr old has this great love of carrot soup, so I’ve tried out many, many carrot soup recipes. This recipe is simple, and honestly the best tasting carrot soup I’ve made yet. She’s already asking me when I’m going to make it again!

Before I share the recipe, here’s the cookbook. Favorite Flavors of Ireland by Margaret M. Johnson. It also features Kerrygold Butter, which is way creamier than my usual Kroger store brand butter. It comes in a block, and I had no problem finding it at Trader Joe’s.


The book captures Ireland’s culinary beauty season-by-season, and includes more than 100 recipes. There’s a section of Spring recipes like Lamb with Port and Mint Sauce. Summer recipes like Fish ‘n Chips. Autumn recipes like Peppered Pork Loin Roast. And, Winter recipes like Shepherd’s Pie.

You can purchase your own copy of the book and find out more about it here.

The author, Margaret M. Johnson is author of ten cookbooks—Christmas Flavors of Ireland; Flavors of Ireland; The Irish Pub Cookbook; Irish Puddings, Tarts, Crumbles, and Fools; The Irish Spirit; The New Irish Table; The Irish Heritage Cookbook; Tea & Crumpets; Cooking With Irish Spirits; and Ireland: Grand Places, Glorious Food. As a food and travel writer she has contributed to publications in both the U.S. and Ireland including Intermezzo Magazine; SIP, For the Love of Drink Magazine: Cooking Light; Cara, the inflight magazine of Aer Lingus; Dublin’s Food & Wine Magazine; the Irish Echo newspaper; and to online sites such as thewildgeese.com, and irishabroad.com. She frequently appears at Irish food and cultural events, and when she’s not visiting her ancestral home in Ireland, she lives in Westhampton Beach, NY.

I’m thoroughly enjoying her Favorite Flavors of Ireland cookbook.

Carrot Soup with Bacon Bread Crumbs

Bacon Bread Crumbs
2 slices American Bacon
2 slices firm white sandwich bread
2 tbsp. chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 tbsp. Kerrygold Irish butter
1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 lbs./900 g carrots, peeled and sliced
1 large onion, chopped
1 tbsp. minced garlic
10 whole cloves, wrapped and tied in cheesecloth
4 cups/1 L homemade chicken stock or canned low-salt chicken broth
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Pinch of sugar
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
6 tbsp. heavy cream
Minced fresh flat-leaf parsley for garnish

  1. To make bread crumbs, in a medium skillet over medium heat, cook the bacon for 7 – 9 minutes, turning frequently, or until crisp. Transfer to paper towels to drain. Discard all but 2 tbsp. fat from the pan.
  2. In a food processor, pulse the bread 8 – 10 times to medium-fine crumbs. Transfer bread crumbs to bacon fat and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 8 minutes, or until golden. Transfer to a small blow.
  3. Pulse the bacon in the food processor to fine bits and stir into the bread crumbs. Stir in the parsley and pepper. Set aside.
  4. To make the soup, in a large saucepan over medium heat, heat the butter and oil. Add the carrots, onions, garlic, and cloves and cook for 8 – 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are soft but not browned.
  5. Add the stock or broth, cover, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes, or until the carrots are very soft. Remove the soup from the heat and let cool for 10 minutes. Discard the cloves.
  6. Working in batches, transfer the soup to a food processor or blender and puree until smooth. (or, puree in the pot with an immersion blender.) Return the puree to the saucepan over medium heat and stir in the lemon juice, sugar, and cream. Simmer until heated through and season with salt and pepper.
  7. To serve, ladle the soup into 6 shallow bowls and sprinkle with the parsley and bread crumbs.

I might add, that this makes a lot of soup! It re-heats well though, so we enjoyed carrot soup for a couple of days.

I received this product free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.