A big thanks to Billion Dollar Brows for letting me test these awesome products! I was super excited to try out the Billion Dollar Brows Best Sellers Kit and theĀ 60 Seconds To Beautiful Brows Kit. I just don’t have time for tweezing or waxing but I still want some shaping and beautiful eyebrows. So I just couldn’t wait to try these out!
The 60 Seconds to Beautiful Brows kit really does only take 60 seconds. It’s super easy. Use the brush to brush on some brow powder and then use the curly end of the brush to blend the powder into your brows. Now, my hair is brown which means that my brows are brown. So, this darkened my eyebrows a tad but didn’t do a ton for me. Just for comparison I tried this out on my 7yr old who has blond hair and really light brows that you can barely see. I brushed a little on and then blended it and it was perfect. You could see her eyebrow way better but I hadn’t really changed the color of her brows (they were a little darker but not a dark brown or anything shocking). With dark brows this product didn’t do a ton for me, but if you have lighter or thin brows you’ll probably love this. In just 60 seconds you can have more noticeable and highlighted brows.
The product I really loved was the Best Sellers Kit. And I figured out pretty quickly why these are best sellers. They’re awesome! I started with the brow duo pencil and highlighted my brow bone – the first time I tried this I highlighted a bit too much, but I used the blending brush and fixed it, so no problem. I love how the highlighter let me shape my brow a little big and let me make my eye area a little bigger. Really, I just love how it opened up and lightened my eye. Next, I used the universal brow pencil and darkened the brow areas that I wanted a little darker. I used the curly end of the brush to blend the color evenly into my brow. Then, I used the blending brush and blended my highlights so they’re just the way I want them. I also applied eye shadow and blended the top of my eye shadow into the highlight area for a finished look. Last, I applied the brow gel to my eyebrows. True to the description, this stuff does not flake after wearing. And, it did a great job of smoothing down any stray hairs and keeping my brow looking just the way I want it. This is a truly awesome product and I’m so happy with my results!
I received this product free for purposes of my review. All opinions are my own.