I’ve had several people say that Frozen is Disney’s best movie since The Lion King (Two-Disc Platinum Edition)
. I’ve only seen Lion King once and it just wasn’t for me – I think it was all the animals, I like movies better with people. Not that it’s a bad movie, it’s just not something I’ll watch over and over again. I love Frozen though, I’ve probably seen it 10 times since it came out – I don’t love it THAT much, but I have young kids who do and since I like the movie too, we watch it a lot.
Apparently, I’m not alone, because Disney Frozen merchandise is really hard to come by. And, every single one of my kid’s friends knows the songs (even the boys).
But, think about all the movies between Frozen and Lion King, there’s a lot of them. So, what is so great about Frozen?
What appeals to me, is the sacrifice. There’s not a lot of movies these days that show a sister willing to sacrifice her life for her sister. Anna gave up her chance to live when she saved her sister Elsa at the end of the movie. (of course, in true Disney fashion, Anna didn’t die, but the point is, she was willing to, and she showed that with her actions). Also, the love story wasn’t just about being swept off your feet and falling “in love” it was about working through tragedy together. (and, there were no randomly singing chipmunks, skunks, or animals cleaning the houses). Not that I’m against falling in love – but very few people fall in love at first sight and live happily ever after.
Ultimately, I’m all for my kids watching this move over and over and over and over again because I like the story, and I like the “putting others before yourself” concept that it portrays.